Our bags are designed to be timeless pieces that last for generations, crafted ethically in small productions with fair working conditions for all involved—allowing us to stand true to our mission of being about people, not only about bags.
We work on a Made-to-Order basis, which means we produce only when you place your order. We do our best to support the sustainable use of materials and the ethical working conditions of our highly skilled artisans. Your bag will be a little unique piece on which was working one person from the first step till the last one, as we craft our products in a family atelier that has a very big passion for quality, small details and an individual approach.
Fine quality leather, without harming animals.
You can enjoy our products safe in the knowledge that no animal was killed for its skin. All of our hides come from European farms which comply with strict EU legislation on animal welfare, and our associated tanneries use as raw material a waste product of the food industry.
At PHILINI, we celebrate the strength and resilience of women. We understand that true beauty goes beyond appearances, choosing our models for their unique personalities as much as their looks. Our models hail from diverse backgrounds—students, lawyers, hairdressers, doctors, managers, and salespeople—yet they all share a distinctive confidence that enriches our creative vision. Often, we discover our models among our customers, sharing in the beautiful stories we create together.